Marriage & Family Revival

Marriage & Family Revival

The Marriage and Family Revival is an annual meeting where we focus on our marriages and families. The Lord has placed on the heart of Pastor Jacob to minister to families and to strengthen marriages. The Home being the true foundation of society must be loved, strengthened and preserved. This does not happen by accident or luck but must be approached with purpose, prayer and planning.

In order to help marriages and families the Lord led our church to launch the Marriage and Family Revival. This is a set time each year where we take time to focus on our marriages, our families and the spirituality of each member of our home. During the MFR we have sessions for adults and sessions for youth. Each session focuses on helping individuals to understand their role in the home and family, gives instruction according to God’s design shown forth in scripture, shows the impact that each person has on the family and encourages each family member in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Families are attempting to navigate during a time when our families are so diverse, marriages are facing greater challenges and each individual is facing more stress than ever before. We must with purpose, prayer and planning set out to secure, strengthen and spiritualize our marriages and families. The Marriage and Family Revival offers this opportunity and guidance for you and your family!

Plan to join us for the 2019 Marriage & Family Revival!